Sunday, June 21, 2015


20 June 2015:  Today was a special day – and not just because it rained all day.  We left Lorraine, entered Alsace and climbed our first (small) mountain in the Vosges.  Most important, we met our friends Marie and Didier.

We hiked in the rain from Abreschviller to the Col de l'Engin (17 km).  Everything was wet – including us, eventually – but the dark forest was beautiful.  Highlights of the hike included passing a point that offered a clear view over the surrounding mountains and reaching the only shelter along the trail at lunch time. 

Marie and Didier drove from their home near Stuttgart to meet us.  We really appreciated that!  We fixed a rendezvous at the Col de l'Engin and then drove to Urmatt, where Marie had booked rooms at the Hôtel de la Poste.  There is a wine shop in Mittelbergheim that Marie and Didier particularly like:  We drove there and enjoyed sampling the wine, chatting with the proprietor and, of course, buying some of our favorites.  Our friends will take the wine that we bought back home with them, so we'll look forward to visiting them in Germany sometime soon!

We concluded the day with a fine, convivial dinner in the hotel's restaurant. By that point, the GR5 seemed far away...
*   *   *
Departure from Abreschviller: there are many choices...

After about an hour of hiking, we decided that our packs & poles needed a short rest. 

Picnic lunch in a shelter:

One of several "bornes militaires" (placed by the Romans) along our trail:

We were walking in a cloud some of the time. 

Wine tasting at the Gilg winery:

We couldn't resist buying a few bottles...

Dinner at the Hôtel de la Poste:

The friendly staff of the hotel:


  1. An Old Irish Blessing
    May the road rise up to meet you.
    May the wind always be at your back.
    May the sun shine warm upon your face,
    and rains fall soft upon your fields.
    And until we meet again,
    May God hold you in the palm of His hand.

    Marie and Didier

  2. I love that picture of your pack and poles taking a rest!!

    - Marilyn
