Wednesday, July 22, 2015


22 July 2015:  Storms were predicted for this afternoon.  It was easy to believe, after so much hot, sunny weather. 

So, while I did not get off to a particularly early start (9:00 departure from the Chalet de la Source), I did maintain a steady pace.  The trail made it easy, as it meandered along the edge of a forest without much change of elevation.  

Shortly after my pause for lunch, big, dark clouds duly appeared in front of me, and there were occasional booms of thunder in the distance – plus a sharp crack much closer at hand.  That encouraged me to walk briskly.  Normally, I dislike hiking on paved roads and hard forest roads, but this afternoon I was happy to do so, as I could walk at a quick, steady pace.  I arrived in Chapelle-des-Bois at 3:00 – rather early by my standards – and, in the end, there was no thunderstorm here.  Perhaps we will get a storm this evening: I heard distant thunder as I wrote this report after dinner.

*   *   *

This morning, I passed close to the source of the Doubs River.  Here, it is a modest stream, just below its source, beginning its long, meandering course to the Sâone. 


The morning's easy-going trail:

Cooperating horses near Chaux-Neuve:

The Jura is a world-renowned center for Nordic sports.  Chaux-Neuve hosts ski-jumping. 

Storm clouds gather in the afternoon:

What, me worry?

Arrival in Chapelle-des-Bois:

Hôtel Les Mélèzes:


  1. Bonjour Carol,
    Je vois que le Jura est très beau: en hiver c´est très froid, j´espère qu´en été ce n´est pas trop chaud!
    Je suis chez mes parents en Catalogne (Espagne) mais Claire travaille à St.Germain. Elle a vu Mary l´autre jour. J´espère qu´elle va se remettre bientôt et pouvoir te rejoindre pour les Alpes!

    1. Merci, Alexis! Mary va me rejoindre demain, et dimanche nous franchirons le Lac Léman ensemble. Bonnes vacances!

  2. Great scenery, and I'm sure the "shadow selfie" counts! I met my Eureka friends in SF today for a J.M. Turner expo at the de Young Museum. Your photos give him some stiff competition. The Mont Blanc pic is pretty impressive even in the haze.


    1. Thanks, Mike. It's hard to go wrong when photographing Mont Blanc. Looking at the massif dominating the skyline, I thought about people living in this area in ancient or medieval times, who never traveled far from where they were born and did not meet any of the few people who did travel. Imagine what they thought of that distant mountain massif!
