Friday, May 29, 2015


28 May 2015:  We started today's hike with a short walk from Ouren to the point where the borders of Belgium, Germany and Luxembourg meet.  Belgium and Luxembourg are on one side of the Our River; Germany on the other.  Nothing marks the actual border between Belgium and Luxembourg, apart from a change in the road markings, but there is a monument commemorating the signature of the Treaty of Rome (1957).

Entering Luxembourg, we began following a new trail marker: a yellow disk, instead of the standard white & red GR-marker.  Our trail will be marked with other Luxembourgois symbols (yellow triangle, etc.) before we meet the GR-markers again in France next week. 

Once in Luxembourg, our trail followed the winding Our River – sometimes close by, sometimes high on a ridge above the river.  This was a great trail!  We enjoyed tramping through the woods, occasionally climbing up and down some rocky sections.  This felt more like real hiking than some of the walking that we have done north of here. 

Our destination was the Kohnenhof campground in Kohnenhaff (about 21 km from Ouren).  We had reserved a little "hikers' cabin".  It's a comfortable campground that is very popular among Dutch vacationers.  The folks who run the place are very friendly, and they served us a good dinner.

*   *   *
Leaving Ouren:

Memorial commemorating the signature of the Treaty of Rome:

Mary in Luxembourg, photographed from Belgium:

Our trail is now marked by yellow disks:

The GR5 winds through the forest, following the Our River:

Clover on the trail:

We still follow the yellow disks, but there are alternatives...

A good bench by a gurgling brook for our picnic lunch:

If there is one dessert that can rival Dutch appelgebak, it's German Schwartzwälder Kirschtorte.  We found this one in a café in Dasbourg-Pont, just across the river from Germany. 

South of Dasboug-Pont, we climbed to an open plateau:

All of the trees in one small area had been blown down:

Arrival at the Kohnenhof Campground:

Our little cabin:

1 comment:

  1. That picture of Mary with the cake and 2 forks reminds me of Magritte's painting. And the cabin, of summer camp...

    - Marilyn
