Wednesday, September 9, 2015


9 September 2015:  I'm sitting at a café in Vieux Nice, sipping Chablis and wondering how to begin this blog post.  Every day since May 1st, I've written and posted a report about our hike on the GR5 from Hoek van Holland to... Nice.  Today we hiked from Aspremont to the official terminus of the GR5 at the Maison de l'Environnement in Nice.  So this is my last report about our GR5 hike.  I think I need another glass of Chablis to take that on board...

We received a warm welcome at the Maison de l'Environnement in Nice, which became the official terminus of the GR5 just a few years ago.  The folks there were very interested in our hike all the way from Hoek van Holland, and they gave us "Ville de Nice" tee-shirts and caps as souvenirs for the occasion. 

Of course, we could not stop there.  The real terminus of the GR5 has to be the Mediterranean Sea!  So after checking into our hotel (the New York), we walked down to the beach.  We did not merely walk into the water.  I performed the little ritual that I had planned back in Hoek van Holland.  (See the post with that title, dated 30 April 2015.)  I poured some of the North Sea water that I have been carrying along the entire length of the GR5 into the Mediterranean (thereby diluting the salinity of the latter by an infinitesimal amount).  I then added Mediterranean water to the remaining North Sea water in the little container.  That mixture of North and Mediterranean Seas will be a tangible souvenir of this wonderful, memorable hike. 

So now we face the transition to life off the trail.  We are struck by the intensity of urban life:  There are so many traffic lights in Nice!  After more than four months of hiking, when we carried everything we needed on our backs, we now have decisions to make every time we step out the door.  Do I need a jacket? An umbrella?  We went out this evening for dinner and brought along jackets in case the weather turned cool, but nothing in case of rain.  Well, it began to rain during our dinner.  We'll have to dash through the rain back to our hotel.  Had we still been hiking, we'd just dig into our backpacks and pull out the necessary clothing. 

We'll make the transition back to urban living, but we'll also look forward to our next hike in the mountains...

*   *   *

Departure from Aspremont this morning, hiking toward the last hill of the hike:

The Mediterranean now dominates the horizon.

It's all downhill from here, Mary!

The route followed by the GR5 into Nice includes a nasty, dangerous section on a road without shoulders or sidewalk. 

We paused for lunch at a pleasant restaurant, where Carroll chose a ... salade niçoise.  What else?

Arriving at the Maison de l'Environnement in Nice, we encountered our last GR5 marker!  Imagine how many of those markers we've seen (plus a few that we missed) since May 1st...

They served us well:

We were warmly welcomed at the Maison de l'Environnement.  

Wearing our new "Ville de Nice" caps and tee-shirts, we waded into the Mediterranean - and provided a show for the sunbathers and swimmers on the beach. 

Carroll performed the ritual of Mixing the Waters:  First, he poured some North Sea water into the Mediterranean.

Then he collected some Mediterranean water and added it to the remaining North Sea water in the little container. 

Finally, he filled a separate container with Mediterranean water.  This container will form a pair with a container of North Sea water that we collected and saved. 

Et voilà!

L'Hôtel New-York:

Tonight's celebratory dinner:

The last in a long series of tiramisu desserts:

Au revoir!


  1. Congratulations at the terminus, connecting the waters. The whole trip would have been worth it, Carroll, even you had a job to do! Please leave the site up so we can go back over the hike.

    1. Thanks, Mike. I'll certainly leave the site up, as long as Blogspot will keep it.

  2. Congratulations and Bravo!

    Carroll, had you not bought your new jacket it probably would have rained all the way to Nice! Looking forward to hearing about your next hike. We'll miss following your hike day-by-day!

    1. Thanks! I'm sure you're right about the coat! I think I'm going to miss hiking day-to-day...

  3. Congrats to you both. This evening we had our 7th couple who are walking the gr5. But only the first part from hoek van holland to bergen op zoom. I am so proud of you that you made it

    1. Thank you, Jeroen. Meeting you and your family was one of the great highlights of our hike. We appreciate your interest in our adventure. We look forward to seeing you again sometime soon!

  4. Congratulations to you both, I have greatly enjoyed your GR5 blog. After meeting you at the Refuge de Chesery (discussing among other topics scottish and US politics) I had meant to complete the GR5 in one go, but arriving at Chamonix thoroughly soaked after many days rain I pulled out for this year. But I will be back!
    Best wishes, Michael

    1. Thanks, Michael! It's a pleasure to hear from you. We're sorry that you encountered such bad weather. That day we met at the Refuge de Cheséry was one of the rainiest days of our entire hike! As you can see from our hike, the trail south from Chmaonix is fantastic. You have a lot to look forward to!

  5. Bravo bravo, enfin les belges Marie et Godelieve pas très technologie atterrissent sur LE blog!!! Quel plaisir de lire tes commentaire Carroll depuis Maljasset là où nous vous avons rencontré en fin d'été et de visualiser tous ces paysages que nous avons également traversé. C'est impressionnant vos 4 mois et 9 jours de randonnée... et vous avez trimballé de l'eau de la Mer du Nord tout ce temps là plaisir de vous revoir sur d'autres sentiers.
    Marie et Godelieve

    1. Salut les Belges! Quel grand plaisir de vous lire! Nous sommes très contents d'avoir fait votre connaissance sur la GR5. Quelle aventure, eh? Nous nous attendons à vous revoir bientôt. Bonne chance avec votre projet lusitanien! Amitiés — Carroll & Mary
