Saturday, September 5, 2015


1 September 2015:  Today was another two-pass day – but a tough one!  The clouds in the sky yesterday afternoon were a harbinger of today's rainy weather.  We hiked in light rain from Larche (1664 m.) up a beautiful valley to the Pas de la Cavale (2671 m.).  As we approached that dramatic pass, the rain intensified, the wind rose and visibility dropped.  We did not linger there for long!  The trail on the other side of the pass was difficult: shale, scree and rock down a steep, slippery slope. 

After a long descent from the Pas de la Cavale (reaching 2087 m.), we found ourselves at the foot of another pass: the Col des Fourches (2261 m.).  Frankly, I would not have felt cheated if the GR5 did not include that pass.  However, the Col des Fourches lay between us and our destination, so we hiked up the short but steep trail to the pass and then down the long, gradual descent to Bousiéyas. 

We arrived at the Chambres d'hôtes La Clé du vert éden in Bousiéyas at 6:30 pm.  (By "we", I mean Mary and I.  Chloé was already enjoying her shower when we arrived.)  We appreciated the warm welcome and the comfort of this chambres d'hôtes after an arduous day!

*   *   *

Departure from Le Refuge in Larche, with the friendly, helpful gardienne:

The hike started with a short, gentle walk on a road. 

The rain gave Carroll an opportunity to wear his new jacket.  He was pleased to observe water beading on the jacket.  

Chloé, too, has new rain gear: a poncho!

We are hiking here in the Parc National du Mercantour.  There was a paved path alongside the first few hundred meters of the trail, allowing people in wheelchairs to enjoy this beautiful trail.  A good idea!

We saw many marmots during this morning's walk – and they watched us. 

The trail progressed at a moderate pace through a broad valley, under cloudy skies. 

Lunch on the rocks:

Lac du Lauzanier (2284 m.):

After the lake, the trail climbed steeply on rock and scree to the pass. 

The trace of the trail can be seen zigzagging up this slope:

The Pas de la Cavale (2671 m.). 

Descent from the Pas de la Cavale:

Blue sky!

The Col des Fourches (2261m.) loomed above us.  Our trail is visible, climbing up the slope.

Welcome to the Col des Fourches!

Descent from the Col des Fourches:

La Clé du vert éden:  Its rustic external appearance belies the comfortable, modern interior.  The owner, Michel, has done a great job in renovating the place.

View from our room:

We enjoyed a delicious and convivial meal with Michel and his sister and brother-in-law. 

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